Monday, December 19, 2011

Are YOU ready for Christmas?

We're in the final stretch and Christmas is going to be here very soon.  Are you ready?  I'd love to say that I am, but in all honesty, I'm not.  Probably won't ever get there.  I've reached a point that I'm okay with not giving that extra little gift and I refuse to feel guilty about not sending cards to EVERYONE in my address book.  I've found enjoyment in buying an extra toy and putting it in a barrel or box destined to a child that will truly appreciate it this year (and I didn't have to wrap it).

The Grinch & I have come to an
understanding this year.
Before anyone starts thinking I've gone off the deep end and have no holiday spirit, let me assure you that I've bought presents for my kids and have arranged a surprise for the hubby (not a small job).  I haven't completly turned into the Grinch.  A very wise lady told me today that instead of fretting over not getting all of my holiday baking done, just do it after Christmas and share it when everyone has had a chance to eat all the goodies they've already received.  Good advice.  I'll finish baking after Christmas when I'm not so rushed.

I'll still do all the normal Christmas traditions.  We'll get together with family, visit with friends and there will be chores to do no matter the weather.  I'm just finding a happy-medium this year and trying not to stress about having everything perfect.  Count your blessings, make some memories and enjoy the holidays...Merry Christmas!